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Body Confidence Tips From Our FOY Winners


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The term ‘body confidence’ is trending across our screens, but what does it mean?

In short, feeling body confident means accepting your body, loving it and feeling good about it. Sounds simple, but with media platforms often taking a narrow-minded approach to beauty, it’s no wonder that so many of us struggle to feel good about our bodies.

The road to body confidence isn’t always easy. It often involves changing your perception of beauty and working on how you see yourself. However, there is some good news; the body positivity movement is now bigger than ever before. Gaining momentum from a diverse spectrum of individuals, the need for body representation across the media and the fashion industry has become very apparent. This is great for body confidence, as with more people calling out unrealistic beauty standards, our perception of beauty will inevitability change to be more inclusive.

Why back the movement? Feeling ‘body confident’ is about more than feeling ‘pretty’. When you are in control of how you feel about your body, you’re more likely to move forward with your life and enjoy your experiences. While it may seem like a difficult goal to reach, the journey is totally worth it.

We reached out to our Face of Yours winners for their advice on how to feel more body confident:

Amrit: “It’s so important to surround yourself with positivity.”

Jasia: “I’m learning to be comfortable in my own skin and embrace what I have. There is no such thing as the perfect body once you have accepted that then you can love yourself.”

Khristie: “I think my main tip is to stop living your life to be accepted by society, because once you do the weight of striving for social acceptance will be lifted off your shoulders. I dress how I want for me now, not for anybody else and I no longer care what people think about my body. You are who you are, embrace it.”

Michelle: “My biggest body confidence struggle growing up was always around my surgery scars from 15 surgeries. It took me 21 years to finally embrace them and accept them as part of me, and now I help other women to be empowered in their bodies and embrace their scars, emotional or physical.”

Feyi: “One tip for body confidence is learning to like and love who you are despite what you may see in the mirror. If you can’t love yourself , your confidence will always falter.”

Join the body confidence movement and show us how you wear Yours Clothing with the hashtag #YOUAREYOURS